




Photo source: Amy0313





  1. 宗谷干贝:宗谷是地名,位于日本北海道,是出产干贝最著名的地方。宗谷干贝体积较大,色泽金黄,表面干爽,一般带有少许裂纹,且质量较高,味道亦特别浓郁。Grabean_JapanScallop2Photo source: Amy0313





中国干贝主要是在大连及青岛出产。大连干贝质量一般比青岛干贝高,除了体积比青岛干贝大外,味道也较鲜甜~❤ 中国干贝不及日本干贝鲜甜,而且颜色也不及日本干贝的金黄色悦目。所以一般都会自用或煲汤,而送礼或烹调名贵菜肴时则会选用日本干贝。



  1. 较大(LL)
  2. 大(L)
  3. 中(M)
  4. 小(S)
  5. 较小(SA)





香港常出售的干贝一般以(斤)为重量单位,所以干贝的体积越大,每斤颗数越少~所谓一分钱,一分货嘛~weight 1



不仅如此,如果你有在马来西亚著名的海产店购买过干贝,应该都知道他们出售的干贝都是礼盒装,通常都是100-200克左右,但价格却已经高达RM 150-RM 300 了,干贝数量也很少,可能才8-12粒而已。真的非常“很贵吃”!



  1. 最重要的是用来闻。上等的干贝有鲜明悠长的咸鲜味,没有腥味。味道较清醇的代表干贝属于同一等级,没有混入次货。反而香味较杂的,多半是混入了不同等级的干贝。
  2. 干贝颜色一般都是以麦芽糖色为佳,但也不是颜色越深色越好的,因为储存年份越长,干贝也会变的深色,同时香味机会流失~





3. 贝粒完整无缺,柱状的纤维组织肌理分明,肉质结实,裂纹越少越好。而且记得要选购表面干爽而不油腻的干贝~



看了那么多,小编相信你应该都对干贝略懂一二了吧~是不是等不及想冲去香港购买了呢?没关系,虽然你身在马来西亚,但也可以购买到在香港的干贝海味~现在你可以在Grabean, 复制物品请求,让在香港的代购者帮你带回来~你也可以注释让代购者应该注意什么,这样一样,你也能买的安心,吃的开心~❤



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错!还在烦恼如何购买外国商品的你,那么这全马第一家的代购平台- 【Grabean】你必须懂!Grabean,超广又很safe的代购平台,让你以最优惠的价格直接购买到外国货!想买大马买不到的东西,那Grabean是你最佳的选择!现在只要在此网站Post你想要购买的物品,再填写你要付的物品价格就Ok啦~当然别忘了加上一点小费作为慰劳旅客为你购买物品的报酬~

  1. 理想的价格淘到 “平靓正”外国货!


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  1. Easy 购买外国心头好/热门商品

无论是日韩欧美港中泰,任何一国的热门商品,现在只要有人出国,你就买得到!而且尤其是各国只在当地售卖的限量版物品,这时你便可在Grabean Post Request,让旅客帮你把你的心头好带回来吧!

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Picture before harga boleh dibincang

  1. 物品安全有保障

找代购最怕遇到货不对版,甚至不发货的卖家!选Grabean就不怕啦~因为她们有专人负责帮你确定卖家的货是否与买家要求的一样,帮买家处理货不对版的问题!而且他们还建议买家直接到他们的Office取货以避免任何不必要的问题吖~如果不想上门取货,那你也可以选择Courier服务,乖乖在家等他们寄来!一旦旅客寄出物品,你便可收到Tracking Number , 让你随时追踪你的物品~

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  1. 简单方便又省

每次想网购,可是都怕被代购者Charge这个Charge 那个,Charge到来价格贵到爆,根本就不划算!但是如果你使用这个网站购买外国货,物品报价你可自行决定,只需加上少少的小费给旅客就可以啦!在此网站购买外国货不仅可以省下国际运费,甚至连VAT税也可以直接退!简直太划算了

Harga Boleh Dibincang

明明是同样的物品,但价格却天差地别! 以下列子让你更容易明白为什么价格会有如此大的分别~在Grabean购物就是让你省!省!省!

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  1. 简单购买没烦恼

还在等待卖家回复你的PM 吗? 等到生气懊恼?现在在Grabean, 只要看到什么你想买的,手指Click一Click就可以把东西带回家啦!为了让旅客更清楚你要购买的物品,你可以upload清晰的物品照片以避免旅客购买错你想要的物品~当旅客接单后,你便可私聊对方,随时随地Update最新详情~

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看了那么多,是不是很想知道如何在Grabean Post Request 呢? 现在就看看这个Step by Step 的教学影片吧~




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  1. 用Email/Facebook/ 电话号码注册成为Grabean卖家(Traveller)
  2. 你可选择发布你即将去国家及日期(Post Trip),Grabean系统将自动通知你有关该国的物品请求。
  3. 或浏览你即将旅行国家的商品页面选择要帮忙代购(Open status)的物品(价钱可以再协调)
  4. 待买家确定购买后,Grabean将透过SMS,Inbox或Email通知你~
  5. 等你在旅行途中购买带商品时,便可点击“Confirm Purchase”,通知买家你已经买到了~
  6. 最后,把商品Drop off 在他们的办公室,或者让Grabean安排Courier帮你邮寄!

*Traveller 是不可以自己Upload照片的哦。记得在你确定购买到物品时,才可以点击“Confirm Purchase”和回国后的7天内必须交货!


好消息!虽然现在只有Website版本,但Grabean apps 很快就会出现了,让你们更容易交易!真的用用手指Click一Click就能买到“平靓正”的外国货啦!



Picture at the RM 5 rebate

Grabean 地址: D-05-06, Menara Suezcap 1, Lorong Kerinchi Kiri 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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How to redeem VAT in foreign countries?

Frequent travellers are familiar with the concept of VAT, but many will still find the procedure of redeeming VAT to be confusing and frankly, quite a hassle too. Due to differing laws in various countries, the necessary steps one needs to take to get VAT refund can be vastly different from Japan to France. Here’s some handy tips on redeeming VAT in the most popular countries:


Shop Japan Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 8%

Minimum spending required in local currency: 5,001 yen exclusive of tax (RM 184.93 as of 17th November 2017)

T & C:

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. Purchases between 5,001 yen to 500,000 yen for consumable items (such as food & drinks) or above 5,001 yen for general items (such as electronic products & clothing). Purchases consisting of both categories are NOT eligible for VAT refund.

4. You will need a) items you have purchased, b) receipts of your purchases, c) your passport, and d) credit card used to purchase the items (unless you pay for the items by cash only), and you will be asked to sign a document as well.

5. Your items will be sealed in bags that you should not open while in the country. Failure to do so might result in the customs department asking you to pay for GST before leaving the country.

6. You will receive your refund in cash along with a receipt that states “record of purchase of consumption tax-exempt for export”, which will be stapled to your passport.

South Korea

Shop South Korea Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 10%

Minimum spending required in local currency: 30,000 KRW inclusive of tax (RM 113.96 as of 17th November 2017)

T & C:

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. When making payment, always ask for a tax refund slip.

(If you are getting your VAT refund at the airport)

4a. Once you’ve arrived at the airport, head to the customs office along with your purchased items and get the “All Goods Exported” stamp.

5a. Follow the instructions and scan your receipts at the Tax Refund machines and receive your refund in cash.

(If you are getting your VAT refund at shopping malls)

4b. Some major shopping malls have their own counters that process VAT refund, but they are most likely serving only one tax company out of the 3 major ones in South Korea (Global Tax Free, Global Blue, and Kt-Tourist).

5b. You will still need to present your receipts, tax refund slips, passport, and credit card for the VAT refund to be processed.


Shop Taiwan Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 5%

Minimum spending required in local currency: NT$3,000 exclusive of tax (RM 415.63 as of 17th November 2017)

As for Taiwan, refunds will only be made to purchases at authorised Tax Refund Stores

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax Refund Stores”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. Collect the application form for VAT refund and receipt as proof of purchase.

4. If you shop at Taipei 101, Taipei’s Pacific Sogo Department Store’s Zhongxiao branch, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, and Kaoshiung’s Hanshin Department Store, you can apply for VAT refunds.

5. In addition, any purchases in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi made between NT$3,000 and NT$20,000 will be eligible for a cash refund on the spot.

6. You can also apply for refund at E-VAT Refund machine at major cities or Foreign Passenger VAT Refund Service Counter in the airports or seaports.

7. You will need your passport, VAT refund application form, and receipts as well.


Shop UK Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 20%

Minimum spending required in local currency: £30 (RM 165.39 as of 17th November 2017)

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign non-EU visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. After buying items from an eligible shop, ask for a Tax-free form from the shop’s staff and fill it up.

4. You will be asked for your passport to check your eligibility to apply for a refund.

5. At the airport or other refund points, present the Tax-free form along with your receipts and passport at the Customs counter. You can choose to be paid via cash or credit card.


Shop France Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 20%

Minimum spending required in local currency: €175.01 (RM 861.19 as of 17th November 2017)

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign non-EU visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. After buying items from an eligible shop, ask for a Tax-free form from the shop’s staff and fill it up.

4. You will be asked for your passport to check your eligibility to apply for a refund.

5. At the airport or other refund points, present the Tax-free form along with your receipts and passport at the Customs counter. You can choose to be paid via cash or credit card.


Shop Italy Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 22%

Minimum spending required in local currency: €155 (RM 762.66 as of 17th November 2017)

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Only foreign non-EU visitors with passport are eligible for VAT refund.

3. After buying items from an eligible shop, ask for a Tax-free form from the shop’s staff and fill it up.

4. You will be asked for your passport to check your eligibility to apply for a refund.

5. At the airport or other refund points, present the Tax-free form along with your receipts and passport at the Customs counter. You can choose to be paid via cash or credit card.


Shop Australia Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Standard VAT rate: 10%

Minimum spending required in local currency: 300AUD (RM 948.75 as of 17th November 2017)

1. VAT refund must be done at shops labelled “Tax-free”, and on the same day of purchase in shopping malls or stores.

2. Both foreign visitors and Australian residents leaving for an extended period are eligible for VAT refund.

3. You access the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) web app at this link. Alternatively you can also download the Android version here, iOS version here, or the Windows mobile version here.

4. After filling up the TRS form, save the QR code that’s provided by the TRS web app.

5. Once at the airport, inform the check-in staff that you want to claim your VAT, and you will be directed to the TRS facility.

6. Present them the QR code given to you by the TRS web app along with your passport and boarding pass.

Shop Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Convenient, right? The process of applying for VAT refund has been made easier since the last few years, and you can potentially save a lot while shopping overseas! Of course, Grabean makes it more rewarding as you shop overseas, as you’ll get paid for every request you fulfill! The more you shop, the more you’ll earn. Shopping can be so rewarding with Grabean! 💖 Sign up now to get rewarded for your trips!

Shop Post Request Malaysia Grabean

Useful travel apps

Gone were the days where tourists have to clutch a map and a Lonely Planet guidebook while journeying in foreign countries. Sure, those might come in handy if one is travelling to a remote place lacking in internet access, but many of the info might easily be outdated or heavily biased. Having travel apps makes it simpler and easier to organise all of the useful help you need in one single device, and it’s always a good idea to get some offline and online guidance to make the most out of your trips. Here’s some of the most handy mobile apps you can use the next time you’re travelling overseas:


1. Google Translate

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel Google Translate

No company revolutionise digital translation like Google does. Despite the numerous competition, the tech giant still comes out on top when it comes to the handiest translation service. Not only does it translate typed words, this app is also capable of visual translation via the smartphone’s camera and voice translation via the smartphone’s recorder. This is highly useful for translating languages you can’t type.

2. AccuWeather

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel AccuWeather

Every traveller knows that the weather can easily make or break one’s day. Knowing whether to pack for sunscreen or an umbrella on your trip to Thailand is crucial as nothing ruins your perfect getaway (and clothing) more than a crappy weather. AccuWeather has a highly useful minute by minute weather forecast that accurately predicts weather in painstaking detail – which is good news for meticulous perfectionists who will not allow sudden weather changes to alter their travel plans.

3. Maps.Me

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel Maps.M

As far as as maps go, digital ones are always better than traditional printed maps due to the former’s accuracy and usefulness in denoting landmarks. While Google Maps is useful in its own way, it’s reliability on constant Internet connection can be quite a hassle if one is travelling in the outskirts where connectivity might be scarce. Maps.Me includes tourist attractions, useful stops like pharmacies, and public transit routes. Even shops are included in the map too, making it super convenient for Grabean travellers to fulfill requests! What’s even better is the fact that all these features are available offline, making Maps.Me a practical choice for backpackers who want to save on overseas data.

4. XE Currency

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel XE Currency

XE has been the most trusted currency converter service for years and it’s not hard to see why. Although its service is a lot more geared towards business corporations, travellers find XE’s simplicity and up-to-the-minute conversion rates to be highly reliable. Every currency in the world are included in XE, including Bitcoin. There’s also an offline function for those without connectivity.

5. Rome2Rio

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel Rome2Rio

It’s hard to keep track of transit routes in different countries, but Rome2Rio has solved this issue by combining the major transit routes in most countries in the world in a single app. It also covers all of the common travelling options, so whether you plan to take a walk, cycle, drive, or take any public transport, Rome2Rio has your back.

6. Halal Buddy

iOS | Android

Grabean Travel Halal Buddy

If you live in a Muslim country, it’s easy to look for products that are certified halal. But what if you’re travelling to a country where information for halal ingredients and products are scarce, if not worse, nonexistent? Not everyone can remember the long list of ingredients and it’s a huge hassle to have to Google for every single ingredient. With Halal Buddy, one simply has to enter the ingredient in question and the app will immediately tell you if it is halal, haram, or mushbooh.

7. Uber

iOS | Android


Hardly anyone with Internet access has never heard or used this widely popular e-hailing app. So it’s no surprise to have Uber in this list for the safest and most reliable private transport, thanks to the app showing its driver’s profile and ratings. Uber’s digital payment system is also handy for those who do not wish to carry large amounts of cash on hand, and its comparatively fair pricing system is a godsend to passengers.

If you’re heading overseas soon, feel free to try out some of this apps. And don’t forget to post your trip on Grabean and get paid to shop the world as well!

The 5 best visa-free countries for Malaysians

Believe it or not, the Malaysian passport is rated as one of the most powerful passports in the world! According to a 2017 ranking compiled by Henley & Partners, a renowned residence and citizenship planning firm, the Malaysian passport is placed as the 13th most powerful in the world, alongside Estonia. With 164 countries Malaysians are lucky enough to be able to visit visa-free, there’s plenty of travelling choices for the next big holiday! Here’s our pick for the top 5 countries you can consider visiting on your next trip:

  1. New Zealand

Visa-free validity: 3 months

Grabean New Zealand

The name of New Zealand immediately elicits an image of an idyllic and peaceful place where its vast stretches of green pastures, gorgeously clear lakes, and breathtakingly towering mountains seem a scene out of a fairytale. From the spectacular Milford Sound to the chilling peaks of  the Southern Alps, New Zealand is a perfect place for those who love nature.

2. Bahamas

Visa-free validity: 3 months

Grabean Bahamas

If a quiet and chilly place isn’t your thing, the lively and warm beaches of Bahamas might be up in your valley instead. There’s a wide variety of marine adventures you can get into, from sun tanning at Nassau to snorkelling at the Thunderball Grotto (which was made famous in the 1965 James Bond movie!), Bahamas is a paradise for those who love the seaside.

3. Finland

Visa-free validity: 90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area

Grabean Finland


Finland has so much more to offer aside from being the alleged hometown of Santa Claus and the famous Northern lights. The Northern European country is also well-known for its thermal spas and national parks. Art lovers can also check out Helsinki, where lovers of contemporary art are known to gather to display their latest showcases.

4. South Africa

Visa-free validity: 30 days

Grabean South Africa


Do you know there are penguins in South Africa? You don’t have to brave the Antarctic ice to frolic with these flipper friends when you can do it at Boulders Beach! If you are a history buff, you will definitely love Johannesburg as the African city has many renowned museums, from the Apartheid Museum to the Origins Centre Museum.

5. Japan

Grabean Japan

Visa-free validity: 90 days

There’s something for everyone in Japan. Beachgoers will love Okinawa for its sunny beaches, those who prefer something more cultural and historical will fall in love with the antiquated castles in Kyoto, and shopaholics will be drawn to the streets of Tokyo.

So which countries piqued your wanderlust? There’s so much more to explore outside of Malaysia, and a wide variety of adventures awaits you! And don’t forget to sign up to be a traveller with Grabean today to get paid for your travels as well!